Bourne Bridge Club, Farnham
Release 2.19r
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Pages viewed in 2024

ECATS SIMS are here

EBU SIMS are here

Please click link to see the current news letter.

Current News Letter.pdf

Surrey County Bridge Association

The Surrey County Bridge Association seeks to publicise the Bridge events of Surrey Clubs, neighbouring Counties and local charity Bridge events. For further information go to

Do you want to pay for some bridge lessons?

From time to time most of us want to improve our bridge.

If you want to pay for bridge lessons in the local area you can find further information here

About us
About us

Our home is the Methodist Church in the centre of Farnham with parking nearby in the Waverley South Street (Sainsburys) Car Park and the Central Car Park (£2 after 6:30 PM from 1st April 2024).  At the time of writing, the Wagon Yard car park remains free after 6:30 PM for those who do not mind a slightly longer walk (24 Lower Church Ln, Farnham GU9 7PS)

We meet every Thursday unless our website calendar says otherwise.  If you have not visited us before, click here for Visitor Information with regard to visiting or joining the club.

Members and visitors must let Shuna ( know in advance that you are coming (not more than a week, not less than 2 days in advance).

If you are registered, please arrive by 6:45 PM for a prompt 7:00 PM start.



Table money is £2 a session for Bourne Bridge Club Farnham and also for Farnham Bridge Club members.  For other guests, table money is £3.

Payment preference is by Bank Transfer to:  Bourne Bridge Club Farnham.  Sort Code 30-99-50.  Account Number 24288063.

NOTE BANK DETAILS CHANGED (to the above) 26th JAN 2024.

Please include your surname, initial and "playing fee" or "subs" in the payment description.

Visitors should please pay their table money directly in to the club bank account (see details above) as we prefer not to handle cash.  Payment should be made any time up to the end of Friday after play.  If you intend to play again, you may wish to pay in £10 at a time and the club will deduct fees as you play. 


Important information for club nights:

Etiquette  Club Etiquette.pdf

Rota        Current Rota.pdf         Coffee & Tea tasks.pdf         Room Preparation Tasks.pdf

Farnham Cafe Bridge
Farnham Cafe Bridge will take place on Wednesday 11th September, in aid of Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice.
Entries open on 17th July; pre-register by email to
The cost is £30 to £45 per player, including bridge and lunch. There are eight venues in close proximity.
The event is great fun.  Please register as soon as possible after 17th July, as the event may well be sold out.
EBU Special News

The EBU are holding a Festival of Bridge in early September.

We are using our club evening on 12th September to support this, with all money from the session going to Cancer Research


For further details please use this link

Guildford Cafe Bridge October 2024


Guildford Cafe Bridge is on Thursday 3rd October, in aid of the Halow Project, Guildford.   Prices will range from £35 to £45 per person,  depending on where you want to have lunch. We also stress the importance of pre-registration.  Pre-registration will secure priority booking which will enable you to choose your favourite lunch venue, pricing option and to lunch with friends if you so desire.

The 80 players who have taken advantage of this do not need to pre-register again.
Don't delay, register for the event by emailing


Trophy Awards for the 2023 - 2024 Season at the AGM

Clockwise from top left:

Aiden Heathcote, Ian Rae, Kevin King & Shuna King - winners of the Daphne Baker trophy (pot luck teams)

Kevin and Shuna King - winners of the Hutton Shield (Best score on a single  club night over the season)        [Shield not shown as I liked this picture better!]

Ian & Loraine Rae - winners of Nancy Beament trophy (best average score over the season)

Mike Tettemborn, Chris Tibbott, Helen Mitchell, Anna Holmes (+Tony Philpott & Maggie Ingham - not pictured) - Winners of Sally Young cup for Winter teams league


Reminder - New Phone Numbers and Changes of Address

Please remember, if your phone number(s) or email address changes that you should:

1. Let Shuna know your new contact details (including postal address, if that has also changed)

2. Update your details on the club website YOURSELF, by logging in as a member

Your details on the website should always be up to date

Reserve a place for Thursday
Reserve a place for Thursday

As requested at the First General Meeting, anyone who has symptoms of a Respiratory Infection, albeit Covid, Flu or a ‘cold’ should NOT attend a session.

Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Peter
Scorer: Jonathan
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Philippa
Scorer: Aidan
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Hilary
Scorer: Jonathan
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Mike
Scorer: Ian
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Yvette
Scorer: Kevin
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Director: Peter
Scorer: Aidan
Mon 2nd Sep 2024
RealBridge Pairs with FBC.
7.15 for 7.30
Thu 5th Sep 2024
Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Mon 9th Sep 2024
RealBridge Pairs with FBC.
7.15 for 7.30
Wed 11th Sep 2024
Farnham Café Bridge - contact and registration info on website
Around Farnham TBA
Thu 12th Sep 2024
BIABD Face to Face duplicate pairs
Farnham Methodist Church
6:45 for 7:00
Mon 16th Sep 2024
RealBridge Pairs with FBC.
7.15 for 7.30